Custom Handler #
While the derived models create predefined routes and views, custom routes can be added to the admin interface and also base templates can be extended.
Extend tera instances with base templates from actix-admin #
let mut tera = Tera::parse("templates/**/*.html").unwrap();
let _tera_res = tera.build_inheritance_chains();
Custom Index #
A custom custom_index.html view can be defined as follows by extending the base template:
{% extends "base.html" %}
{% block content %}
<p>This is a custom index page shown under /admin/ extending the base template<p>
{% endblock content %}
To display the custom_index.html, define the corresponding function which extends the current tera context from actix-admin and also uses the actix-admin tera instance to render the custom index function.
use actix_admin::prelude::*;
async fn custom_index(
session: Session,
tera: web::Data<Tera>,
actix_admin: web::Data<ActixAdmin>
) -> Result<HttpResponse, Error> {
let mut ctx = get_admin_ctx(session, &actix_admin);
ctx.insert("your_own_key", "your_own_value");
let body = tera.render("custom_index.html", &ctx).unwrap();
After this in the builder, pass your custom index function defined above:
let mut admin_builder = ActixAdminBuilder::new(configuration);
Custom Handlers #
Similarly to the custom index above, the builder accepts additional routes to be passed to the admin interface.
Root Path #
// This will be shown in the top level menu
let show_in_menu = true;
admin_builder.add_custom_handler("Custom Route in Menu", "/custom_route_in_menu", web::get().to(custom_index), show_in_menu);
Tied to a specific entity #
// this will expose a menu item which links to /admin/comment/custom_handler and is shown in the NavBar menu
let show_in_menu = true;
let some_category = "Some Category";
admin_builder.add_entity_to_category::<Comment>(&comment_view_model, some_category);
"My custom handler",
NOTE: the category “navbar-end” is used for the dropdown containing the sign out button and will show only when auth is enabled.
Added to an entity but shown grouped in a Category #
// this will expose a menu item which links to /admin/comment/custom_handler and is shown in the NavBar menu in the group "Some Category"
let show_in_menu = true;
let some_category = "Some Category";
admin_builder.add_entity_to_category::<Comment>(&comment_view_model, some_category);
"My custom handler",