Card Grid #
You can create a view by using a card grid, which will load a predefined number of cards and load their content via hx-get on htmx.
async fn card(
tera: web::Data<Tera>
) -> Result<HttpResponse, Error> {
let mut ctx = Context::new();
let body = tera.into_inner().render("card.html", &ctx).unwrap();
fn create_actix_admin_builder() -> ActixAdminBuilder {
let configuration = ActixAdminConfiguration {
let mut admin_builder = ActixAdminBuilder::new(configuration);
let _card_route = admin_builder.add_custom_handler("card", "/card/{id}", web::get().to(card), false);
// this will load 2 rows of cards, the first row containts 2 cards (1 & 2) and the second row contains card 3
let card_grid: Vec<Vec<String>> = vec![
vec!["admin/card/1".to_string(), "admin/card/2".to_string()],
// add the card to the navbar
admin_builder.add_card_grid("Card Grid", "/my_card_grid", card_grid, true);